Skin Care & Nutrition
Below are suggested products for your skin care regimen as well as nutritional resources to aid in your care from the inside out. As, always check with your certified lymphedema therapist for skin care needs and your oncology team or a Registered Dietician (CRN) for nutritional strategies. Click the links to be redirected to Amazon for purchase.
Skin Care
Below are items I have found and used myself, patients have used during their care, and/or have been supported by board-certified physicians.
Skin & Body Wellness
Inside and out full body care
Broad selection of suggested products for the oncology patient's body, hair, skin & nails. As always check with your oncology team to help determine what is the best for you.
Taking care of your skin from the inside out!
Resources on how nutrition can aid in your medical care. As always, check with your medical team to determine what the best nutritional strategies are best for you.